Hi, your mental health appreciates you!
Hi, your mental health appreciates you!
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Getting to Know the Brand:

Products personally created with your mental health in mind!

With use of a licensed clinical therapist skillset, knowledge, experience, and research we have created a line of therapeutic essential products. Each product was created with the intent of decreasing mental health symptoms such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Our products are everyday tools that can be used by anyone needing additional support on their life journey.

What matters to us, is helping you build resiliency while reaching your greatest potential. We want to see you do well in life. We want to see you heal. We want to see the manifestation of the best you. You are making a life changing decision and making one of the greatest investments back into yourself!!

All products are hand made.

-With love & compassion, Tues Therapy Day team

Therapist Corner
